Change is the only Constant

Big waves breaking on cliffs during winter storm on the west coast of Ireland. The waves wear down the stone in constant change

If you have read any articles on the topic of fintech recently, you must have read the term ‘Disruptive Innovation’. Disruptive innovation is a concept that says new technology or business models can reduce the value and utility of existing products or services by creating something better and more user-friendly. This concept is prevalent in … Read more

No Vacation this year? Try a Personal Retreat

No vacation. Closed visa. Spoiled summer vacation. Ban on flight, quarantine. Passports and plane tickets are crossed out

Getting away from it all can be difficult if you don’t know where to go. Worse still during a pandemic, recession, or whatever economic impacts are hitting us right now. Vacationing with technology can make it even harder. Many people overschedule themselves, but setting aside some time for yourself just got even more challenging. Luckily, … Read more

Accomplish More with a Schedule

man is sitting at desk with a computer on it looking stuck with post it notes wondering "where is your schedule"

Have you struggled with your schedules? Do you have challenges in scheduling your day? You get started on scheduling on a whole day and then it just gets overwhelming, and you get stuck? Or maybe you’re OK with making the schedules, but it’s just sticking to them. You start by making progress on these little … Read more