You Can’t Go Home Again

Seriously. You Can’t Go Home Again.

During Thanksgiving this year we were driving back to my hometown to see family and enjoy the holiday together. As I was driving and looking at everything that had changed, I noticed a lot that hadn’t.

I was thinking that I was going “home” for the holidays. I was looking to fit into a role or place that I was familiar with, something that I belonged in.

From that perspective, I can’t go home again.

What I mean is that if you keep doing what you’ve done before, you can’t get anywhere other than where you’ve been.

The more we are tied into finding comfort in the roles we played in the past, the less likely we are to find new roles and new successes. It is really important to bring new experiences to your mind, you learn and grow from this.

You Shouldn’t Go Home Again

When times get tough it is easy to fall into old roles, habits, and activities. They are easy, and can bring you some relief, but it’s only temporary. The obstacles and troubles you’ve pushed off to the side still remain.

Where does that leave you? Struggling against the same old things, and with nothing new to help guide you.

Make A New Home

Your new home is one that is always changing. I like to think of my home as the people I hold closest to me. These are people who engage my mind and keep me thinking. We have new experiences together and new challenges to overcome.

Thanks to these people I can more easily make progress. I can be more successful in my new enterprises, and I can have fun with it.

You can create this home for yourself but it has to start from within. You have to recognize the times when you start to walk down those time-worn steps and find a new path.

It may not be easy and won’t be without problems, but every success is built upon more than just a few failures.

Taking stock of what you have and what you need for this journey is just one part of what a Personal Retreat gives you. I hope you’ll just take the small step and begin. The first step is to click that link. You’ll find that the steps come easier and clearer with each one you take.

I’ll be here with some more tools to help you on your way!

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